Monday, June 30, 2008

RE:"Making Money From Home Submitting Pictures"

"Ordinary People - People Like You - Currently Making $250 a Day 'working' from Home Submitting Amateur Digital Pictures to the Internet"

--Does it get much easier?

Hi there, I'm Linus.

Right now, I just want to get across one message to you, coming from a non-B.S. type of perspective...

"People are narrow minded"

Ohh, now why would I say something like that?

I'm glad you asked.

You see, there's a system that's been around for a while called Camera Dollars, which is a very popular thing right now.

It's a simple system that hundreds of people have used to make some serious extra income, a lot of them over $200 a day, so a lot of them have actually quit their day jobs to work from home.

And no, please don't give me the wuss-B.S. that it's a scam or something like that, it's just silly when people say things like that.

Hundreds if not thousands of people have invested in this - Don't you think someone would have caught on already?


Now back to the point. Why are people narrow minded when it comes to this?


They're simply buying Camera Dollars like everyone else... making a couple hundred bucks a day like everyone else...

Now don't get me wrong, a couple hundred bucks a day is great... but if you really take advantage of the situation you could earn much more than that, I shit you not.


Well, here's the fun part. If you read this all the way to the bottom I'm sure you'll understand :)

Here's an overview of a couple of systems:

First, the one we already talked about...

Camera Dollars by Brian Moore

As I said, it's a great opportunity for beginners as well as advanced photographers to rake in some cash doing something they already enjoy (or will start enjoying!) doing. It's a really cool system and it's based on that first:

  1. You take the pictures with a digital camera, they don't even have to be top quality in any way, just 'normal' pictures.
  2. Then you submit them to these special sites (can't reveal sorry) where people can go and download your photos!
  3. Every time someone downloads = money in the bank.
Yeah it's that simple, don't even worry about getting people to download them, Brian (author of the system) will show you step by step how to get tons of people to download your photos...

And think of it this way, the more photos you take - the fatter your wallet is going to get! Because what you've submitted in the past will Stay there so people can always download them!

Do you see what I'm getting at here?

It's got a built in snowball effect, that's what I'm saying.

Here's Camera Dollars for you --> Click Here to check it out now.

Now remember how I said that you can do with submitting amateur photos and still make a killing?

Well... can you imagine how much you will make after you've learnt to take TOP quality, PROFESSIONAL photos?!?

Your income will literally soar if you learn how to take professional photos.

"But I can't take professional photos!"

Ah, stop yer whinin'... because that's what this next system is going to show you - step by step!

Digital Photography Secrets by David Peterson

This is the real deal guys. This is a little manual packed with everything you need to know to start taking pictures like the pros do.

It's literally got some secrets that's revealed nowhere else. I'm serious, this could bring you huge profits, and you'd get waaay more downloads of your photos, because people can tell that they're getting something good.

It's a skill worth having, check out this great course by David Peterson now --> Just Click Here to find out more.

So that's that...

But do you think that we could push it ONE step further?

How would you like... to make EVERY picture profitable? Yes, even the ugly ones where you slipped on that rock and took an accidental picture in mid-air.

This next, and last product I'm going to show you can literally skyrocket what you make, because after you've gone through this course, you'll easily be able to edit out ANY flaws from any picture... and best of all...

... enhance EVERY picture! Imagine taking the pictures that are ALREADY Good, and IMPROVING THEM!

Photos Like The Professionals by David Peters (irony, right? compare his name to the author of the previous course!)

Photos like the professionals is a Video series of 22 in depth step by step videos on how to maximize the quality of ANY photograph with Photoshop.

OK, so you might not have invested in Photoshop yet. I understand.

But you know what? There's a free software called GIMP which can handle most thing that Photoshop can. Google it ;)

I could go on and on about this course because you can basically do ANYTHING to your photos, but I won't.

I'll just let you check out this thing for yourself, and it's up to you if you want to invest in this.

Here's that link again.
Photos Like The Professionals

That's it.

Do you see now, why people are narrow minded?

They can't see past just "Camera Dollars".

Though... now you can and you have already. You do realize the power of combining these three programs, don't you?

How would you like to be like that Dragon that's been lying in slumber for the past 100,000 years... and that little cruel bastard comes and wakes him (that's me :P) and unleashes his fury upon the world... and slaughtering everyone else when it comes to making the most money from your pictures.

Okay, sorry... I'm usually good at metaphors.

But seriously, you could literally outperform everyone else trying to do what do... you'll be decades ahead of them, so to speak.

If you're ready now... are the links again.

Good luck, and make some darn money!

Until next time,
